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Modern Witch Mama Soul Healing Coven (Membership)

Modern Witch Mama Soul Healing Coven

Do you want to live from a state of energetic freedom by learning to self-heal, clear your own energy, and ground and work deeply in communion with Mama Gaia and Nature Spirit energies?

Have you heard the call of your Inner Witch - that woman who is in total control of herself, maintaining her personal power and not letting others' energies drag her down in pursuit of her biggest goals/manifestations?

The Modern Witch Mama Soul Healing Coven is your energetic safe haven for you to set up and follow your own self-healing rituals so you can release those denser energies and FEEL FREAKING INCREDIBLE each and every day.

You are the person everyone turns to for healing support - whether that is your kids, spouse, friends, clients. You're the go-to nurturing soul who feels most at home when you're helping others. You thrive on helping others.

But...You can tend to get lost in others' problems; in their needs. Sometimes you can even forget about your own needs and you can unintentionally deplete your energy while helping others.

It's time you took steps toward fulfilling your own spiritual healing path and regaining your energetic health by joining a Coven of like-minded Women that are reclaiming their Inner Power and protecting their energy and boundaries each and every day, showing up as the intuitive empowered leaders of their own lives (Witches, Healers, Shamans, Shamanic Practitioners, Breathwork Healers, Movement Medicine Healers, Yoginis, Meditation Facilitators, Tarot Readers, Lightworkers, and Priestesses are all welcome, but you certainly don't have to identify with any of these labels, you only have to show up with an open mind and heart!)

As you are working through the light and shadows to transmute your deepest inner wounds into positive forward momentum toward manifesting your soul level path...this is the space to be deeply held and supported in a space that beautifully merges the divine feminine with the divine masculine.

You may feel the soul call to help others on their healing journeys - you know it's part of your soul purpose. Even if you don't know the exact “how” and “why” of this calling.

But you tend to give away a lot of your energy for "free," you are the go-to person to help others and it can be soooooo draining. Like "lay in bed for days watching Friends reruns and eating a tub of ice cream" type-draining.

I see you and I want you to feel nourished and replenished, not drained and depleted!

In the Coven we'll get into Soul Nurturing and Energetic Health Practices and Self-Healing for you to tend to your own inner needs.

But beyond that, we'll dive into Modern Witch Practices for you to set up solid energetic protections and boundaries so you can rest easy knowing you're protected from outside influences and sources. We'll also get into rituals, spell work and learning fun witchy things that you can put into practice in your everyday life! (think making spell candles, anointing oils, learning how to do your own intuitive readings and working with tarot/oracle and runes for divination!

This is a group for you to rediscover your Inner Self and Nurture her, whether you refer to her as your intuition, higher self or inner divine feminine. But as you tend to your soul, know that it will energetically extend to others around you. Expect not only inner transformations, but expect those to reflect in the outer world around you as well.


As you begin to tend to your soul, you energetically give others' around you permission to tend to their own soul. As you prioritize your energetic health, you will notice changes start to take place in the world around you. The changes are all for your best interest and highest good (and for the highest good of all involved.)

Magical things begin to happen and manifest when you go all in on this type of healing!

Tier 1 Membership: $44/month

Gain access to the full Modern Witch Mama Soul Healing Coven Library, featuring key trainings for energetic protection, spiritual protection and boundaries, protecting yourself from outside influences and stepping into your sovereign self. Includes access to the Coven Member’s FB Group with weekly posts for the cosmic cycles, moon cycles, rituals, spell work and other seasonal content. Interact with other Coven Members, Post, Ask Questions and get feedback on a weekly mini-coaching post.

Tier 2 Membership: $88/month

Get everything in Tier 1, plus a monthly Group Healing Call that includes Holy Fire Reiki Healing, Hypnotherapy, Akashic Records Deep Dives/Healings, Intuitive Readings and Other Events in tune with the cycles, seasons and cosmic events. All Monthly Events follow along with the Wheel of the Year Cycle - and will be recorded and placed in the Membership Area after the event ends. Plus gain access to a Private Telegram Group to ask questions, chat with other members and receive weekly/monthly reflection posts and journal prompts, and coaching/mentoring resources.

Tier 3 Membership: $111/month

Get everything in Tiers 1 & 2, plus a personalized monthly intuitive reading detailing your upcoming energies and themes for the month - All private readings will be recorded and sent to you via a private YouTube Listing after the first of the month.

Also All Tier 3 Members will receive 22% all future courses and programs created under Modern Witch Mama Brand for the lifetime of your membership (including UNBOUND Group Program and Holy Fire Reiki 1 & 2 Trainings, Enchanted Writer’s Mini-Mind and all future programs I create!)

Membership Add-on:

Telegram private 1:1 coaching 3/days week as an add-on > $555/month

Ask me anything via a Telegram private chat and I will respond within a 48-hour time period within business hours, M-F 9am to 2pm CST.

*Note this is different than the "Group Telegram Chat" that is a part of all Tier 2 and Tier 3-level memberships. This Telegram will be specifically for you in a 1:1 capacity; a private coaching container that you can ask any questions, receive guidance, support and intuitive messages as they arise. This is your unique private space to explore your spiritual journey, and no questions are "dumb" questions. You bring everything here and I mentor you through it!

16 Modules + Community

Modern Witch Mama Soul Healing Coven

Journey 1 - Winter - An Inner Intuitive Reflection

Welcome to the first Journey!

I'm so thrilled you made the life-changing decision to join me here, as you are going to magically transform your life and business, and step into the highest embodiment of your higher self's mission and purpose. 

In this Journey you are going to go on a deep inner exploration of where you are currently and where you desire to be in the future.

So let's get started on journeying together through this magical experience of soulful discovery.

Journey 3 - Ostara - Spring Equinox - Blossoming into Your Full Soul Potential

Journey 4 - Beltane

Journey 6 - Lughnasadh/Lammas - A re-evaluation period

Journey 7 - Mabon - Autumn Equinox - Cleansing and Clearing the Old

Journey 8 - Samhain - Halloween - The Veil Thins / Sprit Communication / Spirit Guides

Create Your Spiritual Protection Ritual & List

When you're first beginning a spiritual intuitive practice, you always want to make sure you have a spiritual protection list in place. 

Each day before engaging in your meditations, readings, or other spiritual rituals, state your protection list aloud (even keep a copy in important places in your home - near your bedside, on your bathroom mirror or in your office - anywhere you'll see the list and be reminded of it each day.)

Self-Hypnosis Journeys

Here you can find pre-recorded hypnosis tracks to listen to anytime you need a boost in certain areas. 

Listen as many times as you feel called!

Bonus Workshops

In this area you can find Bonus Workshops around a variety of topics - Intuition, Spirituality, Manifesting, Divine Feminine and Divine Masculine, Goddess Power Workshops, plus more topics as we evolve and grow.

Coven Members Intuitive Reading Replays

Here you can find all the replays from the Intuitive Readings for Members. Replays will be accessible as long as you're in the membership!

Even if you joined later, feel free to watch these readings as there might be a message in here for you if you're drawn to a particular reading!

Come back to the replays as often as you'd like to recall intuitive insights.

Live Call Schedule

Our monthly Zoom Healer's Circle Call (where all the magic happens!) will be held every month as outlined below. Call dates/times may change around holidays - and I will always provide an update of schedule changes within the Facebook Group.

Please note the dates are based on a cyclical nature; so they aren't exactly every 4 weeks.

Modules for this product 16
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Payment Options

 Modern Witch Mama Soul Healing Coven - Pay Monthly Tier 1
 $44.00 USD  ( then $44.00 USD a month )
 Modern Witch Mama Soul Healing Coven - Pay Monthly Tier 2
 $88.00 USD  ( then $88.00 USD a month )
 Modern Witch Mama Soul Healing Coven - Pay Monthly Tier 3
 $111.00 USD  ( then $111.00 USD a month )
 Modern Witch Mama Soul Healing Coven - Pay Monthly Tier 3 PLUS Telegram 1:1 Coaching Support
 $666.00 USD  ( then $666.00 USD a month )

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